Monday, January 7, 2008

Russians are not big on happy endings.

One thing I've noticed in all the films we've watched so far is that none of them have the happy endings we are used to seeing in Western films.

In Irony of Fate, or Enjoy your Bath! Zhenya and Nadya do end up together, so I guess it is a happy ending for them. But what about Ippolit and Galya? They are certainly not to blame for Zhenya's mistake, but they are both dumped so that Zhenya and Nadya can be together.

The three silent films we watched today also had strange endings. In A Child of the Big City, the man who falls in love with Mary, Viktor, ends up dead by the end of the movie, and we see Mary step over his body as she is leaving the building. In The 1002nd Ruse, the wife gets away with cheating on her husband by hiding another man in her house. Finally, at the end of The Dying Swan, the crazy artist who is obsessed with Giselle ends up killing her.

In a way, the endings of these films are more realistic than the usual happy endings we are used to. More often than not, someone is going to be hurt or even killed because of the actions of someone else.

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